Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Finding Mr. Destiny

 "The first love doesn't necessarily mean the first person."

A romance-musical film released in 2010 starring Gong Yoo and Lim Su Jeong.


Lim Su-jeong ... Seo Ji-Woo - a stage director who searched her true love named Kim Jong-Ok
Gong Yoo ... Han Gi-Joon - a young man who own owned a "Finding First Love" agency


Seo Ji Woo once had a memorable trip in India where she met Kim Jung Ok.  Since then he has been her first love.  She will trun down marriage proposals and refused dating because she is waiting for Kim Jung Ok.  She then searched for help in finding her first love through Han Gi Joon, the owner of an agency looking for first love.  They will soon be intertwined to a series of incidents leading them closer to each other.  When Kim Jung Ok was finally found, Ji Woo was torn between embracing her first love and giving up the love she just found and has found her. 


 A feel-good, sweet tale of finding what love is all about.  Nicely done storytelling with a refreshing vibe.  This is a classic love-is-there-you-are-just-to-blind-to-notice-it movie.  The laid back screenplay makes it appealing and the storyline premise will make you remember if you did once in your life find your true love.


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